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The Perfect Match: A New Adult Erotic Romance (Inseparable Book 2) Page 14

“That’s not fair,” he whispered as he pulled her close for a kiss. “You’re already naked.” His hands traveled up and down her body, stopping to squeeze each place that caught his interest.

  “Allow me,” she said, excited to finally see what was hiding inside his boxer-briefs. The glimpses she’d gotten had made her insanely curious.

  Lifting his hips, he let her slide his shorts and briefs down together. In the darkness it was hard to tell where he stopped and the shadows began, but when he leaned forward to remove his t-shirt his shaft dropped into the glow of the blinking green and red lights. Even without being fully erect, she was impressed and excited.

  Kurt reclined again and patted the bed next to him, but Polly shook her head. “I have another idea.”

  Rubbing her palms across his thighs and shaft, she arranged it to point toward his chest. As she caressed him with her fingertips, she was amazed to see it grow until the tip was just below his navel. She recalled Julie gushing over Jack’s anatomy until Polly thought she had to be making it up, but clearly the trait was in their genes.

  Bending to run her tongue along his shaft, she enjoyed the clean taste of soap and the warm scent she’d begun to associate with him. He had trimmed his hairs short, leaving a light covering of fuzzy hair on his balls. She licked them as well, enjoying his reaction to her tongue. Parting his legs, Polly moved to kneel between his thighs.

  “That feels amazing,” Kurt said with a breathy tone that betrayed his arousal.

  “Would you like to go first?” she said as she lifted his heavy shaft in her hands.

  “I’ve been raised to believe it’s always ladies first,” he said with a low growl. “Besides, it can take me a while sometimes, and I get sleepy after.”

  “What do you suggest then?” Polly asked as she kissed her way up his chest. When he didn’t answer right away, she stopped to suck his nipple into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. With a happy growl, he pulled her up to the pillows and forced her over on her back to kiss her deeply.

  She pushed him away with a giggle, but he forced her hands back against the pillows and attacked the sensitive skin along her neck with kisses and nips. He’d shaved in the bathroom, she realized as his baby smooth cheek rubbed against her jaw. “Oh, fuck yes,” she whispered, pushing against his firm grip.

  His knee forced itself between her thighs, then he raised it up high, putting a firm pressure against her opening. She pushed down against him as he kissed back to her mouth. “You’re soaked,” he whispered. “If I let you go to taste you, will you still fight me?”

  “Of course,” she whined from his attentions.

  “Good,” he said and removed the hands holding her arms back. She tried to push his face away, but he managed to lift her knees before she could stop him. In moments his face was buried between her thighs, licking along the way until he could force them far enough apart for his tongue to reach her lips.

  The playful laugh when he reached his goal met her own joyful cry at being bested. She still pushed at him and tried to trap his head, but there was no way to keep him from his goal. In the end, she went from pushing his head away to pulling his hair as her first orgasm brought her to an easy end.

  He licked his way up her stomach, moving back and forth to take her wide brown nipples into his mouth. She bucked and pushed as the tickles drove her to wild laughter. Even through her excitement she could feel his smile against the skin of her breasts. “There are condoms in the night stand drawer,” she gasped when she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I know, I put some of mine that fit me better in with them,” he said. Like a shot he reached over to grab one, and when he sat up on his knees, Polly couldn’t resist sitting up to take his slick head into her mouth. He froze when she began, then slowly began to flex his hips in time with her strokes. “I have to have you,” he begged, the open condom loose in his hand.

  “Then you’ll have to take me,” she whispered against his wet skin. He pushed her back roughly against the pillows as he grinned, trying to slide the condom down his shaft before she could stop him.

  “Come here,” he muttered as he pulled her up by her arms. Kissing her like that was enough for her to forget the snappy comeback she was going to say, then he turned her over and forced her to put her head against the pillows. “I’ll start slow,” he said as she felt him place his head at her opening.

  Going slowly helped, but she couldn’t stop her jaw from dropping or her foot lifting up from the sensation of being penetrated by him. Once he hit bottom and began to withdraw, her breath returned long enough for her to moan out his name. “Oh, Kurt...”

  He had spread her cheeks to their limits and was rubbing his thumb across her puckered ass while he continued to move slowly in and out. There was a shuddering tremor in her stomach as she pushed back against his thrusts. He angled his shaft down along the front of her stomach until she could actually see it moving inside her.

  Hugging the pillow tighter as he increased his pace, she let the sensations roll over her without a single thought to her own satisfaction. He was commanding her body, drawing out pleasure in ways she’d never experienced. There was no need to concentrate on her pleasure or to help bring herself to orgasm with her hand, she was simply there at his whim. When her second orgasm of the night brought its shuddering conclusion, it forced sounds out of her that she didn’t recognize.

  He slowed the pace, then slipped out to let her collapse to the bed. Rolling her over on her back, he lifted her knees up against her chest before she could do anything else. They stared at each other as he slipped back inside, his flushed face dripping sweat on her legs. He held her legs up as he began to thrust, then lifted her feet up to his shoulders. She had to shut her eyes then as the pleasure returned, building up again as she met his pace for her pleasure.

  He wasn’t content to simply thrust into her. While holding her legs close to his chest, he turned his face to kiss her feet resting near his shoulders. Starting with her toes, he kissed and licked the ball of her foot as he kept a steady pace. It drove Polly out of her mind. With so many things going on at the same time, his wonderful cock driving her mad, his hands massaging her legs, and his wicked tongue teasing the arch of her foot, she could only gasp affirmations. “Yes, yes, don’t stop, oh god!”

  For the third time, he brought her to completion without her needing to think about it at all. Straining hard, she grabbed at his hips to keep him inside, feeling herself pulse around him until he cried out, his answering pulses announcing his own quivering end. They froze in that odd position, her feet against his cheeks and his shaft buried deep inside her, until he gripped the condom and gently backed away.

  “Fuck,” she muttered as he put her legs back down on the bed. Polly curled into a ball on her side, hugging her knees to her chest as she shivered and twitched from the aftershocks. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “If you see my brains laying around somewhere, grab them for me.”

  Kurt sat on the edge of the bed for a second to chuckle, then stumbled to the bathroom. After a hearing a flush and the water turn on in the sink, he returned to the bed to climb in behind her and pull her into his arms. With his face buried into her hair he whispered, “Il y a longtemps que je t’aime Jamais, jamais je ne t’oublierai.”

  “So about those roses,” she whispered while the warm breath on her neck raised hairs down both of her arms.

  “Sha, I been tryin' to give you those fo' weeks,” he whispered back.

  Chapter 12: Polly

  The days before Christmas gave Polly time to adjust to Kurt’s pleasant intrusion into her daily life. One thing she hadn’t expected was how neatly he fit in. Before Thanksgiving her life had been a cycle of work, school, and a few nights a week hanging out with Julie or her family. When Trey was around, he had monopolized Polly’s attention, pushing for them to spend time together alone. While Kurt was always happy to be alone with her, he was so easygoing about everything that there was no pressure for her to pay only specia
l attention to him.

  When she wasn’t at work, they spent time hanging out together at Jack and Julie’s, or going shopping in the crowded malls. He was content to simply be with her, providing funny commentary or surprise kisses, but never making her feel uncomfortable or suffocated.

  On Christmas Eve, as they stood watching the ice skaters circling the huge Christmas tree in the Memorial City mall ice rink, Polly was surprised when she realized they had spent every day and night together for the last five days. Things had been great between them, and the more she learned of his life and interests, the more she liked him. And as she felt herself opening up to him, her fears grew as well.

  “Am I driving you crazy yet?” she asked without looking up at his face. His reflection was visible in the glass wall around the ice rink, so she knew he was smiling.

  He moved around behind her and pulled her back against his chest. “Maybe I was crazy before. Maybe I’m finally sane now.”

  “I keep waiting for you to go crazy or tell me you weren’t serious.” The truth was there in her light-hearted comment.

  He put his chin on the top of her head. “You really worried about that?” he asked.

  She tried to laugh it off, but it came out forced to her own ears. “Maybe a little,” she said just loud enough for him to hear.

  His arms squeezed her tight as he bent to kiss her cheek. “And I keep waitin’ for you to come to your senses. What are you doing with a man like me?”

  “So what do we do?”

  “I’d say a cup of hot chocolate should set things to rights.”

  “Good idea,” Polly said as she took his hand, allowing him to lead them to the coffee shop nearby. It was crowded, but they held hands as they waited. After getting their paper cups full of chocolatey heaven, they found a small table just outside the door to sit and drink.

  “See?” Kurt said with a grin. “Fixed me right up. How about you?”

  “Better,” she agreed as she breathed deeply from the steaming cup.

  “Look, I don’t know what to say to make you stop worryin’. Hell, if I knew I’d tell myself,” he said as he blew over the hot cup. “But I can say I know you better than I did last week and I like you even more now.” His affection shone through his face when he smiled at her.

  She nodded and tried to sip her cup, but it was still too hot. “I can’t keep things going slow, Kurt. It’s like my heart rushes ahead of me. I get scared when I think about things. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Yeah, it’s happenin’ to me, too,” he said with a sigh. “I don’t wanna jinx it either, but I’m slidin’ down a mud slick straight into the river.”

  She grinned at his funny illustration. “That kinda sounds like fun.”

  “It is unless you try to stop,” he said before taking a small sip. “When did you say your parents get back in the States?”

  His question made her stomach flutter. “March. Why?”

  “No reason,” he said without looking at her.

  “Oh,” she said as her heart beat quickened. “I guess we should think about me meeting your parents at some point, too.”

  Kurt grinned and nodded. “Sorry, the question popped out before I could filter myself. I’ll slow down, I promise.”

  “Do you want kids?” she asked since he’d opened the door with his question. His head snapped up with wide eyes.

  “Uh... definitely someday. You?” he asked looking a little pale.

  “Yeah,” she was feeling too hot to be pale at the moment. “What about family life?”

  “I thought we were gonna take it slow,” he muttered, nearly spilling his hot chocolate when he laughed.

  “You started it,” she accused. “You’ll like my Dad. He’s got a dry sense of humor, but when he drinks he tells these wild stories about growing up in Africa.”

  “He sounds nice,” Kurt said as some of his color returned. “What did you mean about family life?”

  “Like the way Julie works, but is still a mom because Jack helps her at home. Did you see him folding the girls’ tiny panties and undershirts last night? Oh my God, it was so cute I thought I was gonna die.”

  Kurt chuckled and nodded. “I saw. He’s a great Dad. He works hard, but he keeps a good balance at home too. I wished my Dad had been that way, but he had to work all the time to pay the bills. I’ve always wanted to be more like Pawpaw Garson or Uncle Jack if I could.”

  “That’s all I meant,” she said. After taking a sip of her drink to dream a little, she forced her thoughts back to the present. “What about church?”

  “I’m Catholic, but I don’t go as much as I did growing up.”

  “Dad’s an Anglican and Mom’s Baptist. I don’t go much anymore, but I like Father Williams at Jack and Julie’s church. I go with them sometimes.”

  “Well, they’re going tomorrow for service if you want to go. I love going on Christmas Day.”

  She smiled and reached over to take his hand. “I’d like that.”

  “See? Everyday we learn a little more,” he said as he squeezed her hand.

  She smiled to herself as she looked at his strong fingers. And everyday I fall a little more. Please be real. She closed her eyes and said a little prayer to still her fear.

  * * *

  The church was completely full, but they’d arrived early enough to all sit together on one pew. Sophie brought the girls in wearing matching green and red velvet dresses. After getting hugs and catching up on their Christmas morning at Sophie’s apartment, the girls sat down between their mother and father who actually managed to share a polite greeting.

  Julie sat next to Jack and had Jackson looking adorable in a little Christmas sweater. Polly couldn’t resist taking him when he extended his pudgy arms out to her. While she was getting him settled in her lap, Kurt came in from parking the car.

  Grinning as he took his place next to Polly, he said to the girls, “Merry Christmas, Jen! Merry Christmas, Lisa!”

  “Hi, Uncle Kurt!” they both exclaimed, then Jen gave him a funny look as he put his arm around Polly. “Where’s Uncle Trey?”

  Kurt fumbled for a moment as he gave Polly a panicked look. Polly leaned over, holding the baby’s head, and whispered, “I’m not sure where he is.”

  “But I thought you liked each other?” she asked with a puzzled expression on her face.

  “There was another girl he liked more,” Polly said simply, glancing at Julie to see if she wanted to jump in. Julie was pinching her lips together to keep from laughing.

  “So do you like Uncle Kurt now?” she asked.

  “I’ve always liked Uncle Kurt,” Polly said with a smile.

  Jen giggled behind her hands, then leaned over to whisper to Lisa. “Yay! I knew he wouldn’t be sad any more if she kissed him!”

  That made Julie and Jack sputter into their hands to hide their laughter. Polly rolled her eyes and sat back before she lost it while Kurt buried his face in her neck to chuckle silently.

  “I’m not sad anymore,” he whispered when he got himself under control.

  “I’m glad,” Polly said, as she bounced Jackson in her lap.

  The service was lovely, echoing with the triumphal hymns of Christmas the congregation sang together. Polly avoided kneeling and standing by hanging on to Jackson, but found Kurt’s sincere observances touching. During the homily, Jackson fell asleep on her shoulder so Kurt pulled her close so she could lean against him. The feeling of that moment overwhelmed her, making her dab the corners of her eyes. Julie quietly passed her a tissue with a knowing nod and a smile of sympathy.

  Julie knew, she realized, obviously before she had really known herself. Being alone for so long, Julie had been shocked when she’d fallen for Jack. Polly had watched her struggle with her feelings, even to the point of sabotaging her budding relationship to avoid being hurt. No wonder she smiled that way at me, Polly thought. She was falling hard and fast and her friend could tell.

  When Jackson woke up hungry toward the end
of the service, Polly gave him back to his mother. Polly stood with Kurt then, her hand in his, singing Joy to the World along with the congregation. The trumpets and trombones rang through the large cathedral making the sound of the music almost tangible. She had to close her eyes again, gripping Kurt’s hand tighter.

  Even in the midst of the powerful, hopeful song, she still felt fear. Though not given to premonitions or irrational beliefs, she could still feel something dark lingering her around her heart. Not wanting to spoil the day, she wiped her eyes before looking up again, then she steeled herself to face whatever came. She had to find a way to trust Kurt, and even herself, before the worry wore her down.

  When the service was over, they filed out of the room with the crowd. Julie and the baby were cooed over by a crowd of elderly women who clearly knew and liked her. Jack kept his eye on the girls while they played with other kids in the aisle, while Sophie’s sad eyes lingered on the girls and Jack both.

  Polly was known to a few curious people who asked about the handsome man she was walking with. “This is my friend, Kurt. He’s also Jack’s nephew,” she said to each one.

  She caught a secretive smile on Kurt’s face each time she did this, but he gamely shook hands and made polite small talk with each person they met.

  As the line moved past the main door, Father Williams stood there shaking each parishioners’ hand and greeting those he knew by name. When their turn came, Father Williams extended his hand to Kurt after winking at Polly.

  “Merry Christmas,” Kurt said. “Good to meet you, Father Williams. I’m Kurt Guidry, Polly’s boyfriend and Jack’s nephew.” His words brought a bubbling giggle to Polly’s lips.

  “Kurt!” she said as she smacked him on the arm, but he only laughed. So much for taking it slow!

  Father William’s eyes lit up as he smiled, glancing between Polly and Kurt. “Oh, that’s a Christmas present to be thankful for. I’m so glad you chose to spend this special day with us in worship.”

  “If you run into Father Pierre from over at St. Matthews in Morgan City, tell him I made it to service, would ya?” Kurt asked with a grin.