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Inseparable: A New Adult Erotic Romance Page 15

  Sophie sniffed at the threat and turned to leave. "You have no idea who you're messing with, but you'll know before I'm through with you." She marched out the door and walked directly to her black Suburban.

  "What a bitch," Cathy exclaimed. "I know you said how she was, but holy shit! She's insane!"

  Sharon walked back up, "The police are on their way. I heard her threat and will be happy to be a witness."

  Julie pulled the digital voice recorder out and pressed stop. Waving it at both women she grinned and said, "I appreciate it, but this may be easier."

  "You recorded her?" Sharon gasped and covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.

  "It's not the first time, either. She's in for a few surprises at the next divorce and custody hearing." Julie slipped the recorder back into her pocket with a laugh.

  "Hey, have you told Sharon yet?" Cathy asked Julie with her eyebrows wiggling.

  "Told me what?" Sharon asked.

  Julie smiled broadly and put her arm around her manager's shoulders. "Jack and I are going to have a baby boy."

  "I knew it!" she declared. "When are you due?"

  "September," Julie said.

  "Wow, it must have happened right after you met," Sharon said.

  "The first night actually," she said with a sigh. "It's not what I'd have planned, but you know, I'm pretty okay with it at this point. He's a great guy, he loves his girls, and I have no doubt how he feels about me now."

  "Does his ex know?" Sharon asked with a worried frown.

  "I can't imagine how. Until today only my best friend, Polly, and Jack knew."

  She nodded, "Just be careful. She seems a little loose, if you know what I mean."

  The police arrived eventually and took a report about Sophie creating a disturbance and making threats. Julie took the report identification number for Jack's lawyer and thanked the officers before they left.

  Chapter 15: Julie

  When Julie arrived home later, Jack had already been home long enough to change and start dinner. She came through the apartment door saying, "Hey, I'm home."

  "Good, I've missed you. I'm making rice and browning up some bland chicken. How's your stomach?" he asked from the kitchen.

  "Not too bad today," she said as she came in to kiss him hello. "Thanks for cooking. Do you mind if I shower? I smell like that disinfectant we use on the play equipment and it's been bothering me more since I've been pregnant."

  "Sure, I got this," he said and gently pinched her butt as she was leaving the kitchen.

  "Hey!" she said with a laugh and swatted his hand away.

  "Hurry up, then!"

  When she came back in wearing a long t-shirt and panties, Jack had the table set and the food ready to serve. He'd made a green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes to go with the chicken and rice. Dessert looked to be a bowl of strawberries.

  When she sat she asked him, "How was your day?"

  "Pretty good. The new job looks like it'll work out. I'm going to be shadowing another sales guy for a while before taking on my own territory. They actually allow us to expense everything, so I won't have to pretend I didn't pick up the customers bar tab. The product line is really similar, so other than new part numbers it should be a piece of cake." He took a bite of the chicken and after swallowing he asked, "How was your day?"

  "I told Cathy and Shannon," she said with a playful glint in her eye. "They're happy for us. Oh, and Sophie stopped by to say hello." She put food in her mouth and chewed slowly.

  Jack nearly dropped his fork as he stared at her. "You can't just drop that on me and stop! What happened?"

  She slid the digital voice recorder out from under the edge of her plate and pressed play. While she ate quietly, they both listened to Sophie bluster. He grimaced when she threatened Julie and chuckled at her reaction to learning Father Williams was asking hard questions. When it was over Jack said, "She put her foot in it with that threat."

  "That's why I reported her to the police. Now there's a record of it and both Sharon and Cathy offered to stand witness in court if necessary."

  Jack nodded his head and ate some more. "My lawyer called me today looking for another payment. I've got to figure out how to get this over with or she's going to spend me dry and win by default."

  "Well, I spoke to Bonnie today. I had to come clean with her about the situation with Sophie. I told her about the baby and how much I want to be with you and the girls. By the time I got done bawling about everything, she reminded me of her offer to help me someday. She was serious, Jack. She even offered me a full-time job if I want it, making more than I do at Bigger Bounce. Maybe I can get an advance or something. At the very least we'll have more money to work with from my paycheck."

  "We'll figure something out. I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for sticking with me through all this."

  "I'm going to have our baby," Julie said with a chuckle to lighten the mood. "As far as I'm concerned you're sticking with me."

  "So, am I still on the rebound?" he asked, his smile reminding her of when he'd asked it before.

  She got up and pulled him up into a kiss. "No, I think it's safe to say we're officially together now."

  "Good," he said as he looked in her eyes with a contented smile. "Because I'm never going anywhere without you."

  "Let's clean up and have dessert in bed."

  "What did you have in mind?" he asked with a arched eyebrow.

  "Let's just say being pregnant makes me really horny and gives me some strange cravings," she said with a devilish smile.

  After helping put away the food and dirty dishes, Julie left him to clean the last little bit while she went to the bathroom. Her breasts were still sore as she took off her long t-shirt nightgown. She looked at herself in the mirror as she rubbed the growing bump on her stomach. Even her own eyes could see the new life suffusing her body and radiating out of her face. With a grin, she slid her panties down and rubbed the skin over her mons to see if she needed to shave.

  Jack came in behind her to sit on the toilet. "Let me grab a quick shower before bed."

  "That's fine. Do you mind if I'm a little stubbly?" she asked as she looked his way.

  "Doesn't bother me at all," he said and leaned over from the toilet to kiss her hip. Laughing at the sensation, she turned to run her fingers through his hair. He kissed low on her stomach, growling a little as she held onto him. "I'll be right out," he whispered against her stomach.

  Shivering when his breath touched her skin, she backed up to let him get into shower while she took her turn. "How about I come in and scrub your back?"

  "We may not make it out in one piece," he chuckled.

  After she was done, she slipped in behind him to run her fingers over his back. "Working offshore has improved your muscle definition," she whispered as she traced his musculature with her fingers. He passed the soapy wash cloth to her and she began to clean slowly, first his shoulders, then his back, ending by rubbing the soapy cloth between his cheeks as he hissed.

  "That feels so good," he whispered as he put his hands on the wall in front of him. "I never imagined I'd like someone doing that so much."

  Julie reached all the way under to massage his balls from behind, then drew her fingers back between his cheeks. "I have a confession," she whispered as she let the water rinse off the soap. "I like it, too."

  Using her middle finger, she rubbed circles around his puckered opening while she kissed around his shoulder blade.

  "Oh fuck," Jack muttered and pushed against her hand. "Don't stop."

  It only took a moment for him to relax enough for her to slip a fingertip inside. She reached around with the other hand to grip his heavy shaft as the water ran over them both.

  "I'm not going to let you finish in here," she whispered while he moaned.

  His hips moved as she slowly stroked him with one hand while her finger probed deeper inside from behind. Licking up and down his back, she finally got to the little bump inside and pressed it
gently. His reaction was to instantly push hard against the wall and whine. "Oh, that's the spot."

  "We're just going to play for a minute, then we're going to bed. Okay?"

  "Will you let me finish there?"

  "Yes, I want you to make a mess for me." She felt him quiver inside as he stiffened to iron in her other hand. Withdrawing her finger made him whimper. "Let's clean up and rinse off so we can get to bed. I'm hungry."

  After drying, they climbed into the bed together, kissing and tickling until she had him laying on his back. She slipped a condom over her finger and drizzled the personal lubricant on the tip. "I want to play a little. Is that okay?"

  "Yes, anything you want," he whispered as he lifted his knees to give her access. She slipped the covered finger between his cheeks making him growl deep in his chest. Without touching his shaft or head, she stroked the little bump inside again.

  "Do you think you could cum from this alone?" she asked as she bent to kiss his lips.

  "I don't know," he whispered. His eyes were shut as he concentrated on the pleasure she gave him. "Just keep doing that circle thing for now."

  When she sat back up again, she used her free hand to pick up a strawberry from the bowl on the night stand. As precum emerged on the tip of his shaft, she slipped the cold strawberry under his head to catch the drops. He must have felt the cold, because he opened his eyes to see what she was doing and gasped as she lifted the strawberry to her lips.

  "I told you I was having a craving," she said with a grin, then took a bite.

  "Oh my God, that's so hot," he groaned while his shaft quivered. She kept her finger moving slowly, but increased the pressure slightly. When she put the strawberry back under his dripping head, she blew warm air across his stomach. "I'm so close now. Watching you do that is pushing me over."

  "If you want to make a mess, just let it go," she whispered as she raised the strawberry to her lips again. He watched her take another bite and shivered as he held his breath. Inside she felt him pulse against her finger before erupting across his stomach and chest. She let out a satisfied sigh and dragged a ripe strawberry through the puddle on his stomach. "Yum," she said as she ate the last bite.

  "That was incredible. That was... intense," he whispered after he recovered. "Watching you, oh fuck that was hot."

  "Are you hungry?" she asked picking another strawberry from the bowl. Moving her own legs apart, she slipped the cool fruit along her slit to collect the dew that had emerged as she played. He grinned and nodded, so she held the strawberry for him to take a bite.

  "Delicious," he murmured. "If you weren't pregnant I'd wreck you after I recover from that."

  She bent down to kiss him tenderly. "I'm not made of glass. Doctor Gills said we could do anything we normally did."

  "I've never had sex with a pregnant woman before. Well, except when I didn't know about you being pregnant."

  Julie sat up with a curious look on her face. "But you've had two kids," she said.

  He blushed and shook his head. "Sophie used lots of excuses to avoid having sex. Being pregnant was just one of them." Julie reached over for a tissue and began to clean him up as tears filled her eyes. "What?" he asked as he moved her hair away from her face.

  "Nothing," she whispered. "I'm just being emotional." She threw the tissues away with a grimace.

  "Come here," he said and tugged her down to snuggle up next to him. "Tell me."

  "Sophie did everything she could to hurt you the whole time you were married. It kills me that you had to go through that."

  "It happened. It's over. I've got two beautiful girls." He rolled over slightly to kiss her. "And you."

  Jack's phone rang and he sat up to check the screen. "Lawyer," he said and took the call. Julie listened as he muttered responses, then he promised he would be find enough money down to wrap everything up. When he hung up, he turned around and said, "We've got our day in court two weeks from today."

  "Finally," Julie whispered. It felt like she could breathe again just knowing they would be able to get everything out in the open.

  "This calls for a celebration," he said as he crawled over to push her back against the pillows. As he kissed her roughly, he sucked her lips and tongue into his mouth. Moving his hand down, he was tender with her breasts, but his fingers squeezed her mons hard enough to make her gasp.

  "Oh, that's it," she gasped into his mouth. After slipping his middle two fingers inside, he squeezed and stroked her flesh until she was pushing against his hand. "More," she begged.

  Sitting up slightly, Jack kept a steady rhythmic motion with one hand while his lips teased her nipples and stomach. With her hands in his hair to guide him, she pushed where she needed his lips; first her stomach, then her mons. As she opened herself up to him totally, he positioned himself between her thighs, his fingers still sliding smoothly inside and out.

  "I need your mouth," she hissed as she arched her back. "I need it now."

  He bent to lick down from her mons, making her cry out and press his head down harder. She could feel his tongue, his fingers pressing firmly on the inside, all driving her towards a strong finish. "I want to taste you," he begged. "Let me have it all."

  She cried out his name, convulsing as he tried to hold her still enough to touch and tease. She felt a flood emerge as she pulsed into his mouth, but couldn't do more than hold his hair as her orgasm left her shaking. "Don't stop," she whispered as she relaxed her hold on him. "I'm not done yet."

  "Oh my God, that was so hot," he whispered as his lips tickled along her inner thighs. He began to work her slowly, building the sensations even as she recovered. Fingers, lips, and tongue chased away the lethargy as he excited her again.

  After catching her breath, she reached her fingers down to feel his tongue and lips at play. Feeling him doing it as he teased her along sped things up until she was holding herself open for his attention and calling his name again.

  The second time was just as crippling, but he'd wrapped his arms under her legs to keep his face against her swollen nub. No matter how she moved, she couldn't avoid his stimulating tongue driving her over the edge. Crying out over and over, he kept her going until she finally had to push his face away, closing her legs as she rolled over to pant in exhaustion.

  "That was amazing," she said as he climbed up behind her to spoon against her back, his shaft resting between her cheeks as he kissed her shoulders and neck.

  "It's wonderful how you express yourself when you come. You make me love giving you head more than I love getting it," he murmured. She purred and rolled against him, tilting her head to allow him to kiss up her neck to her ears.

  "And I love that you obviously enjoy doing it. It makes me feel... I don't know. Confident?" She sighed happily. "Whatever it is, never stop." His shaft was moving a little as he hugged her, so she pushed back against it with a hum.

  "If you're tired, we don't have to," he whispered into her ear as he pressed himself firmly against her ass.

  "Oh, we have to," she murmured. "I'd like to be on my knees and hug a pillow if that's okay."

  He moved immediately to let her change positions, helping guide her as she angled her hips towards him. When he'd positioned himself, he squeezed and massaged her cheeks as he slid slowly inside.

  She gasped at the feeling of fullness he gave her, pressing back hard against him until he was completely inside. "Am I hurting you?" he whispered gently.

  "No, baby, this feels wonderful. I'll tell you if you get too rough, but until I do I want you to drive me crazy." She squeezed hard around him as he drew out, the pressed back against him as they found a rhythm to begin.

  Jack kept massaging her cheeks, but would sometimes pinch or slap lightly to mark when he increased the tempo. Julie began to offer little cries of pleasure when he did to encourage him to continue. One time he slapped hard enough to make her cry out in shock, but it pushed her over the edge and she had to bite the pillow and whine as she came again.

Jack seemed tireless. His time offshore had improved his endurance because she couldn't even hear him breathing hard yet. Rolling her eyes, she glanced back over her shoulder to find his eyes closed and in open mouthed pleasure. His swollen shaft was driving her closer again and she wanted him to join her. Reaching between her legs, she cupped his wildly swinging balls and gently squeezed them in her palm.

  "Fuck," he muttered. "I can't hold it if you do that."

  "Good," she purred. "Give it to me. I want it all inside me." Choking on her pleasure, she pushed back to give him some resistance as she gave herself over to her release. With his balls in her hand, she felt him pulse as he pushed inside to fill her. "That's what I wanted," she panted. "Oh, yes!"

  He laughed between panting breaths. "Oh damn, that was amazing."

  "Stay there if you can. I love being full of you." She continued to massage his balls as she slowly squeezed his shrinking shaft out with her inner muscles. After he slipped out completely, she crawled out of bed to go pee while he turned off the light. Then they covered up under the sheets while Jack made her the little spoon.

  "Remind me to send Bonnie a thank you note tomorrow," she said as Jack pulled her close into his chest.

  "I've got to be honest," Jack whispered after a long moment. "Today is the first day I feel like we actually have a chance to beat her. I feel... hopeful."

  Julie wanted to answer, but all that came out was a loving mumble as she fell fast asleep.

  Chapter 16: Jack

  For the next week Jack worked to prove himself at his new job during the day and spent his evenings preparing to fight Sophie in court. His new boss took him around a bit, but Jack quickly proved he could close the kind of deals that left everyone smiling in the end. After being allowed out on his own, Jack called around to some of his old customers to see how they were being treated.

  Jerry Segura was a buyer for a drilling company and Jack's old college fraternity brother. When Jack had left him a message, he was immediately contacted by Jerry's secretary to set up lunch at The Men's Club on Sage.